GSO Test


Key Stage 1 and 2 Curriculum 

The 2014 national curriculum introduced the concept of ‘age related expectations’ (ARE).

Children are taught the curriculum for their year group and are assessed against the objectives at the end of the year.

If they are able to demonstrate that they have understood, and can apply these objectives, they have reached the ARE for their year.

Some pupils could be working according to previous years’ expectations - these children would be ‘working below the ARE’.

Children working within their year groups curriculum, but who are not yet secure, would be assessed as ‘working toward ARE’.

We use a range of assessments ranging from informal teacher assessments through to end of year tests for pupils in years 2-6.

At the end of Key Stage 2, Year 6 pupils sit Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) for reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS).

Test results are converted into ‘scaled scores’ with a score of 100 being the expected standard.

Any score below 100 means a pupil is ‘working towards the expected standard’ and any score above 100 means the pupil is working ‘at or above the expected standard’.

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum 

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for pupils in Reception Class. For most children this follows on from the curriculum covered at pre-school settings. 

Pupils in their reception year are assessed at the end of their foundation year against the Early Learning Goals.