Communication and Parental Involvement
At St Giles, we foster open and transparent communication with our parents/carers and we believe that education should be a partnership between home and school.
Experience has taught us that pupils achieve best if they know that parents and teachers support them jointly and are both actively involved in their learning.
Parents’ help during the school day is welcomed and much appreciated. In the past parents have helped in a range of areas including art, sport, reading, languages, project and computer work and science. Please let us know if you have particular skills or experiences that you are willing to share with the children. We are always keen to involve you.
(It is a requirement that all adults who volunteer regularly with pupils need to complete a DBS check. The school office can give you further details regarding this matter. We also have a Volunteer Policy in place which you will need to read and sign before volunteering in school.)
Consultation Meetings
In the Autumn and Spring terms parents are offered a formal opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. In July parents receive a written report outlining end of year achievements and next steps.
Class Open Afternoons
We hold regular open afternoons giving parents the opportunity to view children’s work, these are termly. In addition we plan open afternoons to coincide with enrichment weeks to showcase particular elements of learning.
Special events
Throughout the year we hold a range of special events, many of which parents are invited to. Events include the end of year production, church services linked to the liturgical year and Nativity Play and Christmas Carol Concert.
At the beginning of each year we share class teacher's work email addresses with parents, this is an efficient way of communicating with teachers. Class Dojo messaging is also an easy way to communicate with teachers. Please note, the teacher may not check their email during the school day as they are busy teaching, however, they will respond as soon as they can. Urgent messages should be sent via the school office.
Meetings can be requested at any time by contacting your child's teacher or via the office. Our Inclusion Manager is also available via email, telephone or in person. She works on Monday and Tuesday each week.
Informal contact
For small questions or concerns, teachers are usually available at the start of the end of the day.