GSO Test

Friends of St Giles

The Friends of St Giles School is our Parent Teacher Association, a voluntary committee that runs fundraising events and activities throughout the school year.

Our aims are to raise money, which is then used to make purchases the school couldn’t otherwise afford, to pay for enriching experiences for the pupils, and to enhance the school community through organising children's, family and social events.

We work closely with the school to identify needs and plan our events and targets accordingly,
making sure we spend the money raised wisely and in the most effective way possible. In the past, we have helped improve the school library and book stock and more recently supported the purchase of IT equipment for children and staff. 

Each year, we organise the school's Christmas and May Fairs which are extremely popular and important dates for everyone living in Horsted Keynes! We also run a range of other events to raise money, but equally importantly, to give opportunities for our children to have fun and make memories. 

In 2022-23  we allocated funds to provide enrichment workshops for the children. This included a skipping workshop, an orchestral performance and a whole school trip to the Pantomime - all very much enjoyed! 

If you are interested in joining the committee or helping out at an event, please don’t hesitate to email us at You can also follow our Facebook page to find out details of all upcoming events.
