St Giles' Curriculum
Intent: At St Giles our enquiry-based curriculum celebrates both our local and the wider global context in which we live, embracing the opportunities available and most importantly, the curiosity of our children.
As a distinctively Christian village school, with the community and traditions at its heart, we are committed to a diverse, inclusive and high-quality curriculum that inspires and enables every child to discover their super powers. We endeavour to nurture in every child a thirst for knowledge, as well as the values, attitudes and skills they need to achieve their full potential and become lifelong learners ready both socially and academically for the next step in their learning journey and beyond.
We recognise and celebrate the importance of partnership working. We strive to involve the children, parents and carers, staff, governors, and the wider community in delivering a broad and balanced spiral curriculum with overarching aims of:
- providing stimulating experiences that explore outside learning to foster both enthusiasm and a love of learning;
- developing a nurturing learning environment where perseverance, resilience, self-confidence and the capacity to learn independently are valued;
- promoting spiritual, moral, and social development, in keeping with the school’s unique Christian ethos;
- supporting our children to develop healthy bodies and positive mental health;
- fostering in our children an understanding and valuing of diversity within the society in which they live, enabling them to show tolerance, respect and an interest in the wider world;
- prioritising reading to enable access to the full curriculum on offer;
- ensuring a strong focus on oral language development, writing and mathematics skills throughout; and
- engaging children’s curiosity to use technology positively and safely enabling them to become responsible and respectful digital citizens.
Our broad and balanced curriculum here at St Giles ensures that our learners are provided with opportunities to experience and learn more than the statutory requirements of the both the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and National Curriculum. Specialist teachers for French, music, and PE, alongside a wide-range of enrichment activities, help to enhance the learning experience for all our children. To find out more about our enriched curriculum, click here.
To ensure continuity and strong teacher subject knowledge, we have developed consistent planning approaches using a range of carefully selected schemes of work which have been rigorously researched, evaluated and adapted where necessary to ensure they meet the needs of our pupils and school context. Our subject leaders are responsible for designing the curriculum for their area and for ensuring it is delivered effectively reflecting our curriculum intent, school vision and values. Due to our mixed age teaching, our curriculum is on a two-year cycle in Key Stage 2 and three-year cycle in Key Stage 1. Some areas of the curriculum are taught through termly themes whiles others are taught discretely. We aim to provide a context and hook for children to hang their learning on.
Each class produces a ‘curriculum map’ detailing coverage in all subjects which is reviewed and updated annually. A parent friendly ‘learning grid’ is sent home at the start of each term which highlights key learning and vocabulary in all subjects. As well as this, children are also provided with a ‘homework grid’ giving them the opportunity to choose activities related to their History and Geography topics to be completed at home. To find out more about the learning specific to each class and how this fits with the requirements of the National Curriculum, please visit the specific class page of the website. To find out more about the specific disciplines of our curriculum and progression, please follow the subject links below.
Not only do teachers plan and deliver a wide range of activities as part of classroom learning, but pupils also benefit from visits, visitors, leadership opportunities and a wide range of extra-curricular activities during and after school. Please use the enrichment link below to find out more. Many sporting and enrichment activities also take place across the year due to several partnerships including Mid-Sussex Active, NEARS (North-East Area Rural Schools), Cumnor House School and Ardingly College.
St-Giles-Church-of-England-School-Curriculum- (ID 1011)
Curriculum Enrichment
Curriculum Enrichment
Enrichment at St Giles School
We believe our curriculum is broad and balanced and we offer a very wide range of opportunities that enrich our children’s education.
Examples include the following:
School events and traditions - we have some unique traditions at St Giles, most notably our 'School Bishop Team' who are voted in by the school community. Their role is similar to a prefect or school council leaders. Other school traditions include a pancake race, making a school Christmas cake, country dancing, a talent show and our end of year school production.
Music - singing and music is a key feature of our school. We have regular singing, rock steady lessons, music lessons and singing in the Church. An annual music bursary is awarded each year to pay for music lessons for one child. Year 5 and 6 regularly attend 'Young Voices' in London, and ‘Big Sing’ events with other local schools. Children experience regular live performances such as Ensemble Raza.
Enriching History and Geography - we plan visits and visitors to support learning within these subjects. Where possible we use the local area to support learning e.g., the village, local woodland and St Giles Church.
Celebrating different cultures - we have links to God Agak School in Kenya, exchanging cultural information through letters, and raising funds. Teachers work to ensure resources and topics used in teaching reflect a range of cultures and actively encourage children to think about the world beyond Horsted Keynes.
People who help us - all children benefit from a range of visitors to school e.g. emergency services, the dog trust, vets, nurses, scientists etc.
Educational Visits - these are planned to enrich and deepen learning. Year 5 and 6 children attend an annual residential trip aimed at developing confidence, resilience and strong personal relationships. Younger children all have the opportunity to go on an educational journey, these are planned to support learning taking place at school.
Community links - older pupils help at the village lunch, younger children visit the local Pre-School, all pupils regularly attend and take part in church services. Church services are led by a wide range of local parishioners. The Church runs a Friday Club to support working parents, (as our afterschool club does not operate on a Friday).
Road Safety - this is an important issue for us as the majority of our pupils walk to school down Church Lane. We regularly have a 'road safety week' that includes pedestrian training and road safety awareness.
Clubs - we have a wide range of clubs e.g. Art Club, Football, Multi-skills, Netball, Woodwork and Ballet.
Wrap Around Care - we run a breakfast and afterschool club 4 days per week.
Sporting opportunities and events - we work closely with other small schools, local secondary and independent schools, and Mid-Sussex Active, to ensure our pupils experience a wide range of sporting opportunities e.g. festivals, competitions etc.
Gardening and caring for the environment - the school has a 'quiet garden', a woodland area and a large field all used for both learning and recreation. We have raised beds to grow vegetables, growing and caring for plants is linked to learning in Science. Our PSHE curriculum also covers environmental topics to help children make sense of issues such as climate change and environmental issues.
Outdoor Learning - all classes attend regular outdoor learning sessions, in addition pupils often take learning outdoors, for example, using the church to support RE teaching and the village to bring history and geography to life.
Themed weeks - these bring learning to life and allow children to focus on a subject in greater depth. Examples of recent themed weeks have been Book Week, RE Week, Science, Maths, Art and DT, E-Safety and Sport. In addition, we mark themed weeks such as Dyslexia Awareness, Mental Health Awareness, Anti-Bullying Week etc. These increase children's knowledge, understanding and tolerance of difference.
As you can see we offer a wide range of opportunities, we believe this helps our children to accumulate knowledge, behaviours, and skills. They draw upon these helping them to become confident, successful individuals ready for their next steps in their education.
Please take a moment to enjoy the photos below showing some of our enrichment activities.
Early Years
Early Years
We follow the EYFS Foundation Stage Curriculum.
We believe a well planned EYFS curriculum provides a sound bases to develop positive attitudes to school and sets the tone for the years ahead.
Our curriculum is adjusted to meet the needs of each cohort of children ensuring they receive the support they require to develop the core skills required for successful learning.
We have a large classroom and well resourced outside learning areas that provide stimulating learning spaces. We make full use of these by planning a combination of teacher input and continuous provision opportunities to enable children to develop their learning through both independent exploration and supported by skilled adults guiding their learning.
The Characteristics of Effective Learning are at the heart of the Early Years Curriculum developing pupil's skills in playing and exploring, active learning, creativity and critical thinking.
KUW Curriculum Themes - link here
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - click here
EnglishCore Subject
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for English.
It is our intention that the English curriculum enables pupils to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to read and write, enabling them to access learning in all subjects. We strive to ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced learning experience encompassing reading, writing, speaking and listening. We believe this will equip them with the tools they need to achieve highly at St Giles and beyond. We place high importance on developing pupil's vocabulary and encouraging children to use language effectively.
As a school, we love books and reading. We have a wide range of reading material, a well stocked library and take every opportunity to use quality texts in teaching. Each year we celebrate World Book Day.
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - click here.
Reading - click here for overview
Phonics - Click here for an overview
Reception teaching overview - click here
Year 1 teaching overview - click here
Writing - click here for overview
Spelling - Click here for an overview
Handwriting - click here for an overview
Further information for each year group can be found on the class information pages under the learning tab.
We love books! Giving children experience of quality books will not only enhance their literary skills but also inspire them to engage with books, develop a love of reading and create motivation to write.
Book Trust - 100 best books over 100 years - click here
Good Reads- 100 Children's Books to Read in a Lifetime - click here
MathematicsCore Subject
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge of the mathematics and keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014.
We want our children to show enjoyment and resilience when solving a range of problems. We believe children should be able to represent their maths in different ways, using a range of equipment and selecting resources independently in line with their developmental levels. We work to help our children have quick and accurate recall of mathematic facts, as once these are learned they are never forgotten! Children can earn bronze, silver and gold badges in recognition of their hard work learning their tables.
Finally, we want our children to have a good understanding of how mathematics is used in the real world - so we give lots of opportunities for them to apply their learning through problem solving, We also take opportunities to use maths in other subjects and have a regular 'maths day'.
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - click here
White Rose and Mastering Number Explained - click here
White Rose Overview - click here
Mastering Number Reception Overview - click here
Mastering Number Year 1 Overview - click here
Mastering Number Year 2 Overview - click here
Knowledge and Skills documents for each class can be found in on class pages under 'class organisation' in the learning tab.
ScienceCore Subject
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for science.
Year 1-4 are taught in single age groups. Year 5 and 6 are taught as one class with a two year program of science teaching.
As one of the core subjects, we give the teaching of science the prominence it requires.
During their time at St Giles children will acquire and develop the key knowledge and vocabulary identified within each unit. We ensure that the working scientific skills are developed throughout children’s time at the school. We aim to equip pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to become confident scientists.
The heart of science teaching at St Giles is our commitment to practical, explorative and investigative learning. We believe in a hands-on approach where children learn by doing it for themselves. This approach encourages our children to build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.
We recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life and organise events to illustrate this, such as Science Week, Science Fairs, and visiting speakers.
Our Science Coordinator leads our Eco School Council organising a range of science projects across the school.
Eco-School Plan 2022-23 here
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - click here
Scientific enquiry progression document here
Science knowledge overview here
Science Week Photos 2023
Science week 2021
Religious EducationCore Subject
Religious Education
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness” Dalai Lama
As a Church of England School, we offer an RE curriculum which follows the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus and is in accordance with the Church of England Statement of Entitlement. Our provision offers children the opportunity to acquire an in depth knowledge and understanding of both Christian and other worldviews, beliefs and practices. RE is a core subject within the school and is taught primarily using the Discovery RE Scheme of Work and resources. Children are encouraged to explore the worldviews of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Humanism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhi through an enquiry based approach which allows them to reflect and consider both their own beliefs and those of others.
We have strong links with our local parish congregation and the church of St Giles and use the church to celebrate our weekly Friday service. We also use the church to hold our KS2 Carol concerts, our Eucharists once a term and also as a teaching resource and place of reflection. The seasons and Church calendar are celebrated through our school events such as Harvest Festival, Easter and Christmas, and during our daily collective worship. Our annual RE week coincides with the start of Advent and allows children to prepare for the Christmas period by reflecting on an aspect or aspects of the Christmas story. In the Summer Term, we also hold our Prayer Day, involving members of the community in order to allow our children to reflect on the world around them and to pray for or think of themselves and others.
Overview of RE teaching here
Art and DesignFoundation Subject
Art and Design
Every child is an artist - Picasso
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for Art and Design.
At St Giles Primary School, we value Art and Design as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Art and Design provides the children with the opportunities to develop and extend skills and an opportunity to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. We believe that by developing this, we can contribute to the quality of our children’s lives, both within and beyond school.
Art and Design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
Art Profile Document which sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact here
Art Key Knowledge Overview here
Art Skills Progression here
ComputingFoundation Subject
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for Computing.
At St Giles Church of England Primary School we aim to provide a modern curriculum in computing which will allow all children to become independent, confident and responsible users of technology.
In an ever-changing world, we aim to equip children with the knowledge and skills they need to use computational thinking and creativity to solve problems, enabling them to become active participants in the digital world and inspiring them to be the creators and inventors of tomorrow.
Whilst ensuring they understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want children to develop as respectful and responsible individuals online and to become aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe.
Computing Profile - click here
Computing overview - click here
Digital Literacy overview - click here
Information for parents in relation to e-safety can be found on the 'parents' tab under e-safety.
Design and TechnologyFoundation Subject
Design and Technology
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for DT. Link to NC here
Design and Technology prepares children to deal with tomorrows rapidly changing world. It encourages children to become independent, creative problem solvers and thinkers as individuals and part of a team. It enables them to identify needs and opportunities and to respond to them by developing a range of ideas and by making products and systems. Through the study of Design and Technology, they combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues, as well as functions and industry. This allows them to reflect on and evaluate past and present technology, it's uses and impacts.
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact here
Our curriculum over view can be found here.
Our skills progression document can be found here.
FrenchModern Foreign Language
One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages can open every door along the way” Frank Smith
As a school, we believe that learning a language enriches the curriculum and is a necessary part of being a member of a multicultural society, as it provides an opening to other cultures. A high quality languages education should foster children’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Starting French early in KS2, helps to create enthusiastic learners with positive attitudes towards languages learning throughout life. Through learning French, our pupils will develop skills and knowledge to enhance their oracy and literacy within their own language, whilst deepening their understanding of the language and culture of others.
We aim for every child to develop the key skills based on the Modern Foreign Language curriculum. Our pupils are encouraged to confidently vocalise in another language through real-life application and development of vocabulary.
Documents to follow
GeographyFoundation Subject
We aim for every child to develop the knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for Geography.
At St Giles we aim to deliver a high quality geography curriculum, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also through the use of fieldwork and educational visits, which inspires pupils to be curious about the world and its people.
We aim to instil a love for Geography in our pupils and to develop their knowledge of the world, as well as their place within it. We provide all pupils with opportunities to investigate and build geographical knowledge and skills using the local area and beyond.
Our curriculum builds pupil's knowledge incrementally throughout their time at St Giles (see skills/knowledge progression document).
We aim for our children to have increasing awareness of environmental issues and the impact humans have on earth, and we encourage pupils to become reflective members of society who consider their actions/choices and actively invest in protecting the planet.
We have created a scheme of work using PlanBee units. We have reviewed these to ensure we make the most of our wonderful surroundings, and to take account of the local context. Teachers highlight, and teach key vocabulary for each unit taught. Key learning objectives are identified for each unit and revised regularly to ensure learning is secure.
Each term we send home a 'learning grid' this give parents details of key learning and vocabulary. A choice of Geography homework is set each term.
Curriculum coverage and topics here
Skills / knowledge progressions document here
Curriculum profile document here
HistoryFoundation Subject
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for History.
At St Giles Church of England Primary School we provide our children with a relevant and challenging History curriculum that is engaging, sparks curiosity and enables them to develop as young Historians.
Our curriculum teaches children about the lives of significant people and events from the past and most importantly, the impact that these things have on lives today. We ensure that our children develop an awareness of the relationships between different groups of people who have lived in the past, the challenges they faced and strategies they used to overcome them..
We aim to develop pupil's vocabulary and knowledge, and to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills, together with their ability to ask considered questions as they make judgements based on evidence.
We give careful consideration to the topics studied aiming to broaden our children's experiences and understanding of the world around them and preparing them for life in modern Britain today.
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - click here
History overview - click here
Key knowledge for each topic - click here
Knowledge progress for Key concepts - click here
Knowledge and Skills progression document here
Vocabulary list - here
MusicFoundation Subject
We aim for every child to develop an in depth knowledge and the keys skills as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014 for Music. All children have the opportunity to extend and enrich their musical experience by listening, composing and performing.
We have a specialist music teacher and every class has at least one hour of music teaching each week, in addition we organise regular enrichment activities such as celebrating Sing up day, Big Sings' with other schools, music workshops and visits events such as Young Voices.
Singing is a real strength of the school, we sing each week in Church and regularly in our collective worship sessions.
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - here
Music progression document here
A selection of resources used can be found here
Big Sing at Christ Hospital School / Christmas visit by Ensable Reza/Music workshop Year 3/4
Physical EducationFoundation Subject
Physical Education
We aim for every child to develop the knowledge and keys skills for PE as laid out in the National Curriculum 2014.
Sport is a strength of the school, children love their PE sessions and most have positive attitudes to physical activity and sport. We develop sport leaders though 'Sports Crew' training, older pupils use their skills to organise younger pupils at lunch and playtime.
We employ a sports coach one day per week to ensure each child has specialist teaching every week. Pupils take part in a wide range of sporting events and competitions, and we provide a range of extra-curricular clubs. We gave strong links with local clubs including Horsted Keynes Tennis Club and Sussex Cricket.
To ensure we give our pupils a wide range of sporting opportunities we subscribe to Mid-Sussex Active. They organise a wide range of local festivals and competitions which our children really enjoy. We have achieved Gold Schools Games Mark for our commitment and engagement to Sport.
Our profile document sets out our intent, implementation and intended impact - here
South Coast Sport progression pathway document here
Skill progression document here
Overview of provision - here
RHSEFoundation Subject
We provide a curriculum to ensure our pupils become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Our curriculum provision includes opportunities for spiritual, moral and cultural development, whilst strongly upholding and promoting our Christian Vision and British Values. Our aim is for our children to gain knowledge and skills to enable them to understand and navigate the ever changing world in which they live.
We believe that the special experience our pupils gain by working, playing and learning in a nurturing village school helps them develop an understanding of our values, resulting in pupils who are able to show empathy, respect, understanding and tolerance.
We work hard to ensure that teaching approaches and resources reflect the multi-cultural world we live in.
We use a combination of resources including Young Citizens and CWP. In addition teachers follow our whole school Collective Worship themes delivering in-class assemblies and teaching sessions. Every class takes part in regular special events such as Anti-Bullying week, Mental Health and Wellbeing week and Dyslexia and Autism Awareness days. Class teachers also respond to individual or class needs as issues arise. Our Inclusion Manager provides bespoke support for individuals or small groups of pupils as the need arises.
We have a robust digital literacy curriculum based on Project Evolve. (See computing page for details)
Click here to download our RSHE (including digital literacy) curriculum overview - here
Click here to download our SRE and Drugs education overview - here
Learning Outside the ClassroomEnrichment
Learning Outside the Classroom
Learning outside the Classroom
We are fortunate to be able to run outdoor learning sessions on site within the school 'moat' and in woodland near the school. The moat is a beautiful tree lined area that runs around the perimeter of the school grounds. We also have a large playing field.
Pupils learn a range of skills through organised and self chosen activities. The sessions are run by a trained teacher and all children benefit, having two half termly blocks per year.
The sessions give children the opportunity to develop their curiosity, confidence, communication skills, knowledge of the natural environment and the ability to assess risk.
We also use the sessions to teach and/or revise knowledge and skills in relation to Geography, History, Science and PSHE.
Click here for our overview on learning - here
We also offer a wide range of educational trips and visits. Recent visits have included a residential trip at Bowles Outdoor Education Center, Herstmonceux and Tilgate Park.