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Incentives and Rewards
We celebrate achievement, effort and the positive attitudes of our pupils in a range of different ways. We believe that pupils respond best to praise and encouragement and have developed clear systems to achieve a consistent approach across the school.
House Teams
When families join us they are allocated to a colour team, siblings are always in the same team. Children can collect tokens for being polite, for good conduct around the school and for helping others. Each week the tokens are counted up across the school and added to a running total. At the end of each half term the team with the most points has a reward. The children love earning tokens for their team and are always very proud when they are in the winning term!
Our team colours are Red, Blue, Green and Yellow.
Class Dojo points
At St Giles we use 'Class Dojo'. This is a communication platform that links teachers and families, a bit like a closed facebook group. It is used to share photos, achievements, to send messages and most importantly to collect dojo points!
Dojo points are an online reward given by teachers for hard work, having a positive attitude or for personal achievement. Dojo points lead to certificates at different levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. These are given out during our Collective Worship. Using the Dojo app parents can see how many points their child has accumulated.
Learner of the week
Each week teachers nominate pupils for ‘Learner of the Week’. Certificates are given out during the Church Service on Friday mornings. Parents are encouraged to join us if they can. Children's achievements are also reported in our Friday Flyer each week.
Tables Badges
Children are encouraged to learn times tables by heart. To give them an incentive they can earn times table badges. Children are awarded a Bronze badge for knowing their 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Silver for 3x, 4x and 5x and Gold for 6x, 7x, 8x and 9x.
Headteacher praise
Staff are encouraged to send pupils to Mrs Coulson for particularly good work, achievement or effort. Mrs Couslon is always delighted to see pupils’ achievements both from school and home.
Home achievements
We believe that education is a partnership between home and school. We encourage children to share their out of school achievements with us at school. We have a home achievements notice board in school and we actively encourage children to bring in photos, work, or any record of achievements from home.