GSO Test

 Behaviour & Safety

At St Giles, we value everyone as an individual, capable of growth, change and development.  Relationships are underpinned by the principles of justice, equality, mutual respect, fairness and consistency.

Our school policies on Behaviour and Safety are written in line with the following principles that the Governors of St Giles CE Primary School expect to be followed.  These are are:

  • all pupils, staff and visitors have the right to feel happy, safe, valued and respected at all times, and able to learn free from the disruption of others;
  • as an inclusive school, all members of the community should be free from any form of discrimination;
  • the school rules should be built around our school values, displayed around the school, consistently modelled and applied by all staff and volunteers at all times;
  • rewards, sanctions and the use of reasonable forces must also be known, understood and used consistently by all staff at all times;
  • pupils must be guided to take responsibility for their actions;
  • suspension and exclusions, particularly those that are permanent, must be used appropriately and in line with the DfE Guidance for maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England; and
  • pupils and parents are expected to be actively involved in addressing behaviour incidents in order to maintain an orderly climate for learning and foster good relationships between home and school.

The governing body also wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by pupils or parents will not be tolerated in any circumstances.  It is also recognised that the use of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation and the individual pupil and staff are expected to use their professional discretion in their use.  Sanctions should however be applied fairly, consistently, proportionally and reasonably, taking into account SEND, disability and the needs of vulnerable children, and offering support as necessary

Behaviour Curriculum

For effective learning to take place, children are encouraged to make good choices and will be taught the difference between right and wrong.  St Giles’ Golden Rules are built upon our key Christian values: Respect, Nurture, Inspire and Achieve.  These values are explored with the children in worship, link to our RHSE curriculum in class and are applied to every day school life.  We encourage the children to reflect upon the Golden Rules when making choices about their behaviour.  As a Church of England School, and in accordance with our Christian Ethos, we are all encouraged to learn from our mistakes. 


We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying and rigorously address any sort of behaviour which hurts, threatens or frightens any member of the school community. All incidents involving physical or verbal aggression, whether bullying or not, are referred to a senior member of staff for investigation and resolution. Parents are actively encouraged to contact to the school if they have any concerns or evidence of bullying or aggressive behaviour.  We believe that every child has the right to feel happy, safe and secure in school. 


Behaviour Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy