Collective Worship and Religious Education
Religious Education at St Giles introduces children to Christian attitudes and beliefs and reflects the ethos of the school.
Our Christian ethos underpins everything we do
As a Church of England Aided School, St Giles follows the West Sussex syllabus. We teach this through a scheme of work called ‘Discovery RE’. This is a comprehensive set of medium term plans and lessons covering Reception to Year 6. It uses an enquiry approach and covers all the main world religions. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter re-visited each year, developing pupils' understanding in a progressive way.
The headteacher and staff conduct daily acts of worship in the school hall. We plan termly themes for these that link to both Christian and multi-faith festivals and world events.
The strong links between St Giles Church are reinforced by the close proximity of the buildings. Most children walk through the churchyard on their way to school each morning!
Our Friday services are very popular, and show a real sense of community - ensuring strong links between the village, church and the school.
We hold a Friday service in the church each week, which is well attended by parents and carers, friends and members of the wider school community.
We use this to celebrate our ’learners of the week’, pupils' birthdays and other achievements.
As well as our Parish Priest Father David, and his Curate Father Peter we have a dedicated group of local community members who take it in turns to lead our Friday services. These services are very popular and show a real sense of community - ensuring strong links between the village, church and the school.
Parents have the right to request that their child does not receive religious education nor attend church while at school.
Prayer Day at St Giles School